Weekly Update: January 15, 2025
Word from the Pastor:
I pray this weekly Newsletter finds you doing well, and much warmer than I am. When I left the brewery this afternoon we had reached our high temperature of 16 degrees. Let's just say, I'll be ready to be back.
I want to invite you to prepare your heart as we begin this series about Jesus. Here’s the key: the church’s purpose is to point people toward following Jesus. A church doesn’t need a building or the usual trappings to be a church—it just needs to invite people into the life of Jesus. But if an organization has all the outward signs of a church but isn’t discipling people to follow Jesus, it’s missing the mark. Every song, sermon, method, and gathering should do two things: help us, as the Body of Christ, live like the resurrected Jesus in our daily lives, and be a visible reflection of Christ to the world.
We'll see you Sunday!
Matthew and Sarah
Cell 512-787-2429 | Email mdh1199@gmail.com
Instagram @liveordinarywell | Facebook Matthew Hansen
Upcoming Events
Quarterly Business Meeting: Sunday, January 19, immediately following service
There will be a vote to amend Article III Business Meetings on page 12 of the Constitution and Bylaws to change membership voting requirements. Light snacks will be provided.
The Trustee Board is working on a list of items that we need help in performing relative to the church service and maintenance items at the church. Please be on the lookout for this list and prayerfully consider where God is leading you in serving His church.
Social Hour: Sundays at 10:00 am
Our social hour is a great way to get to know each other over breakfast tacos! We meet in the Education Building at 10:00 a.m. before the 11:00 a.m. church service.
Volunteer Opportunity
If you are interested in serving as lector during service, please complete this form or contact a trustee or the pastor.
Dripping Springs Helping Hands Pantry
For the month of January, please remember to bring boxed oatmeal, canned chicken or tuna and any non perishable food items.
Matthew 25 Ministries
Norm encouraged everyone to bring empty plastic medicine bottles as a donation to this ministry. Bring them to Norm at church and he will take care of getting them donated.
Those suffering with illnesses
Those battling cancer
Our church's beautiful new sign
Families, friends and neighbors!
Beautiful tree work on church grounds
Our Nation
Gatherings & Neighbors
Family Reunions
Events where we can be "church" to others
We are sorry if we have missed any prayer needs. Please let us know by sending us an email. Your updates to the prayer list are appreciated.
Our trustees are Shelby Eckols, Craig Glanville, Darrell Thomas, Ben Roberts and David Younger.
God's blessings and love to you,
Driftwood Community Church