The A Side: Jesus Changes Us
Sarah Hansen Sarah Hansen

The A Side: Jesus Changes Us

This week, we are still in the same passage as we discuss change.  Often we, as the church, take it as our responsibility to change people.  We need to change their lifestyle, we need to change their political beliefs, we need to change their moral beliefs, or we need to change their social beliefs.   But that is not what we are called to do, we are called to introduce people to Jesus and leave it up to him to do the rest.  

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The A Side: Jesus Meets Us in our Prejudice
Sarah Hansen Sarah Hansen

The A Side: Jesus Meets Us in our Prejudice

In today's sermon we take a look at the idea of Jesus meeting us in our prejudice.  The scriptures tell us we were created in God's image, but our prejudices are the tools we use to return the favor - create God into ours.  However, if we are willing to follow God at all costs, our prejudices can be the place God meets us to change us. 

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The A Side: Everything Points to Jesus
Sarah Hansen Sarah Hansen

The A Side: Everything Points to Jesus

In this week's sermon we take a look into John's prologue. Often this beautiful text is reduced to a few doctrinal statements, but we think John is doing way more than creating dogma, he was showing the diverse group of Ephesus how all things point to Jesus. 

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The A Side: The New Year
Sarah Hansen Sarah Hansen

The A Side: The New Year

As we begin the new year as a church, we just wanted to take a moment and set our intentions for the year.  Easily stated, to be more like Jesus, or to use the season of Epiphany, we want to be the manifestation of Jesus in our world.  To do this, we are going to take a glimpse into The first chapter of John's gospel and set our intentions on becoming the flesh of Jesus to the world around us. 

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The A Side: Advent Part Four
Sarah Hansen Sarah Hansen

The A Side: Advent Part Four

This week we wrap up our Advent series with the final chapter of Ruth.  The Story of Ruth is important to the Advent of Jesus.  According to Christian tradition, without the Ruth story, we don't get the Jesus Story.  Through the story of Ruth we learn of the divine hospitality of God for his people.  Through the story of Ruth we are encouraged to show the hospitality of God like the Moabites did to Abimelech's family; like Boaz did for Ruth and Naomi, and like the Trinity did for us. 

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The A Side: Advent Part Three
Sarah Hansen Sarah Hansen

The A Side: Advent Part Three

This week's sermon on Ruth chapters two and three highlights how God works through ordinary, everyday decisions—seemingly "by chance" moments like Ruth gleaning in Boaz's field, his noticing her, and Naomi's plan. In addition to those chance moments, we see our three characters —Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz—taking significant risks. 

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The B Side: Advent Part Two
Sarah Hansen Sarah Hansen

The B Side: Advent Part Two

In this week's B Side, Matthew addresses a few questions inspired by the latest telling of the story of Ruth, especially as it relates to the timing of the book and time stamps.

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The A Side: Advent Part Two
Sarah Hansen Sarah Hansen

The A Side: Advent Part Two

This week we dive deep into our first retelling of the Ruth narrative. A story about subversive love and hope, a story about a family brave enough to leave the comfort of the place they knew as home for a new life.  A move that brought tragedy, but also hope.  A story that would change the trajectory of a line resulting in Jesus. 

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The A Side: Advent Part One
Sarah Hansen Sarah Hansen

The A Side: Advent Part One

This week we begin our journey into a one of the most important, and yet neglected Advent stories, a story so important that without it we don’t have the story of Jesus. 

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The B Side: Advent Part One
Sarah Hansen Sarah Hansen

The B Side: Advent Part One

Before we get into our Advent series, we wanted to take a moment and talk about the prominence of the unlikely messenger throughout Scripture.  Throughout the entire history of Israel, God's plan is moved forward through the most unlikely of messengers.  

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The A Side: The Church of Doing
Sarah Hansen Sarah Hansen

The A Side: The Church of Doing

Since the Great Reformation, the church as a whole has slowly removed itself from the very heart beat of the church loving God and loving neighbor.  We have traded it for confessional doctrines that unfortunately end up being an inch deep.  The problem with this is, well, Jesus.  Jesus never talks this way - every.  Jesus came to build a church of doing.  A church that actively loved their neighbor and enemy.  A church that embraced and cared for the stranger.  This is the church of Jesus, a church of doing. 

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The A Side: Goodness of God
Sarah Hansen Sarah Hansen

The A Side: Goodness of God

In this week's sermon we are reminded that there is something more reliable and sure than our own ability to control and manage our circumstances. After two weeks of Jesus appealing to things like nature and the quiet life, he now makes a final appeal to the nature of God. 

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The A Side: A Quiet Tangible Faith
Sarah Hansen Sarah Hansen

The A Side: A Quiet Tangible Faith

In this week's sermon, we will hear Jesus call us to the great reversal of church's prioritization of defensiveness often camouflaged by spiritual talk. Before Jesus has called us to a way of telling the story, he has called us to live it.

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The A Side: More To Life
Sarah Hansen Sarah Hansen

The A Side: More To Life

In this week's sermon, we will explore Jesus' reminder that there is more to life than the things we often worry about.  To help us remember this, Jesus will appeal to what many call, "God's Second Book" in order to help us declutter our minds from the noise pollution that often causes anxiety. 

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The A Side: God in the Silence (Part Two)
Sarah Hansen Sarah Hansen

The A Side: God in the Silence (Part Two)

This sermon we delve into two realms of existence, seen and unseen.  The defining properties of those realms, temporary and eternal; and the reward Jesus mentions seven times.  

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The B Side: God in the Silence (Part One)
Sarah Hansen Sarah Hansen

The B Side: God in the Silence (Part One)

In this week’s B Side, Matthew takes the very esoteric, intangible conversation from part one, to the tactile through some biblical, historical, personal and examples.

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The A Side: God in the Silence (Part One)
Sarah Hansen Sarah Hansen

The A Side: God in the Silence (Part One)

This week we began talking about the section in the Sermon on the Amount pertaining to personal piety.  We discovered that the actual acts of piety within this section are secondary to how we practice piety.  In today's sermon begin this section not simply talking about how or where we practice these acts of but rather, we begin with where we find God, in the place of Silence. 

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The Church of Doing Things
Sarah Hansen Sarah Hansen

The Church of Doing Things

This past Sunday we had our quarterly business meeting; however, this time we did something a bit different.  Our pastor, Matthew Hansen, did a short talk about leadership structure, the four major identities of the institutional church, and a peek into where we plan on heading in 2025.

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The B Side: To Be Like God
Sarah Hansen Sarah Hansen

The B Side: To Be Like God

A deep dive into Matthew 5:27-32, a text about marriage, adultery, and divorce, as mentioned in the Sermon on The Mount.  We decided to assign this topic to the B Side to allow us the needed time to dig deep into these complex issues.  In this talk we set the stage and context that allows us the understanding to hear and better understand Jesus' words on divorce, which we will talk about in part 2. 

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The A Side: To Be Like God
Sarah Hansen Sarah Hansen

The A Side: To Be Like God

Today we continue our study through the Sermon on the Mount. Within Christianity we throw around a lot of phrases without deeply seeking out the deep meaning of those phrases.  Since the beginning, we have been told that the vocational identity of humanity is to be the image of God, to mirror God to the world.  In today's message Jesus makes it clear what that means to be like God. 

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