Weekly Update: February 19, 2025
Word from the Pastor:
I hope this weekly newsletter finds you well and staying warm. Let’s talk about Lent—what it is, when it happens, and how to observe it.
What is Lent, and When is it? Lent is a 40-day period of fasting leading up to Easter. It originated from the Council of Nicea in 325 AD (the same council that produced the creed we confess each Sunday). Early records suggest that Lent was a time of fasting as a physical expression of repentance and reflection. Different churches observed it in various ways until Pope Gregory standardized the practice around 600 AD. This year, Lent begins on March 5th with Ash Wednesday.
How is Lent Observed? I won’t lay out the traditional catholic method, I’m going to talk about it from the heart of Lent. Lent is about repentance, but true repentance isn’t just saying, “I’m sorry,” or feeling guilty—it’s about turning in a new direction. So, if you want to observe Lent, ask yourself, “In what area of my life do I need a change?” Then, “How can I practice that change for 40 days?”
Lent is not about wishful thinking—it’s about action, using self-denial or abstinence to create real change. Here are some practical examples:
If you want to be a better steward of your health, give up unhealthy food choices and replace them with healthier ones. Yes, it’s hard, but that’s part of it.
If you find yourself spending too much time on social media or TV and want to focus more on joy and beauty, consider fasting from those distractions. Instead, spend time reading, playing board games, or engaging in prayer.
If you are looking for a more challenging idea, here's something the Hansen family did: Several years ago, my family became convicted about our contribution to environmental harm, particularly through plastic use. So, for 40 days, we gave up all plastic. This meant using glass jars for bulk groceries and choosing boxed products instead of plastic-wrapped ones. It was harder than we expected, but it opened our eyes to how much we relied on plastic. While we didn’t eliminate it completely after Lent, we became much more aware and to this day continue to avoid plastic whenever possible, even when it’s inconvenient.
Lent is a powerful opportunity to refocus, repent, and create lasting change. How could you do that this season?
See you Sunday!
Matthew and Sarah
Cell 512-787-2429 | Email mdh1199@gmail.com
Instagram @liveordinarywell | Facebook Matthew Hansen
Here's a link to our church website. Be sure to check it for more information, podcasts, donation link and more.
Upcoming Events
Church Clean-Up Days
Thank you to Priscilla, Jennifer, Darrell, Matthew and Sarah for a great start organizing the church last Saturday. There's more work to do and we need anyone who is willing to help. The next clean up days are scheduled at 10:00 a.m. on February 22, March 1, and March 8.
Volunteers Needed
Our church needs your support! If God is calling you and you are interested in a volunteer opportunity, please complete this form or contact one of the trustees or pastor. Thank you! https://forms.gle/K2AFU9b9fbeoiZyM7
The Board has a working list of volunteer needs relative to the church service and maintenance items at the church. Be on the lookout for this list and be in prayer about how you can help.
If you have a gift of organizing and/or managing, please consider the Hospitality Coordinator volunteer position. This is an organizational role responsible for recruiting and assigning volunteers for the Sunday Social Hour, 5th Sunday luncheon, holiday meals and general business meeting snacks, etc. Duties of the volunteers that you recruit would include set-up, clean-up, and keeping the kitchen stocked with supplies (coffee, sugar, creamer, paper goods, condiments, juice).
Social Hour: Sundays at 10:00 am
Our social hour is a great way to get to know each other over breakfast tacos! We meet in the Education Building at 10:00 a.m. before the 11:00 a.m. church service.
Dripping Springs Helping Hands Pantry
Beginning the month of February, the 2nd Sunday of each month is designated for pantry donations. Please place your nonparishable food items in the blue barrel in the Education Building.
Matthew 25 Ministries
Norm encouraged everyone to bring empty plastic medicine bottles as a donation to this ministry. Bring them to Norm at church and he will take care of getting them donated.
The Lisa Pruitt family
Meredith recovering from liver transplant
Steve’s leg surgery
California fire victims
North Carolina flood victims
Those suffering with illnesses
Those battling cancer
Dallas G’s good response to treatments
Release of hostages
Our church volunteers
Our church's beautiful new sign
Families, friends and neighbors!
Beautiful tree work on church grounds
Our Nation
Gatherings & Neighbors
Family Reunions
Events where we can be "church" to others
We are sorry if we have missed any prayer needs. Please let us know by sending us an email. Your updates to the prayer list are appreciated.
Our trustees are Shelby Eckols, Craig Glanville, Darrell Thomas, Ben Roberts and David Younger.
God's blessings and love to you,
Driftwood Community Church