Weekly Update: December 4, 2024

Word from the Pastor:

I pray this email finds you well and enjoying this cooler weather.  I love the Advent season, yes, I love Christmas as well, but I love Advent and the way it prepares our hearts, if we allow it, for the year to come.  It seems pretty obvious, if we allow our Advent series through the book of Ruth to inform us, that the posture we need to begin to imagine is that of Hospitality.  A couple weeks ago, we learned that the root words for hospitality come from the words that are the opposite of Xenophobia (fear the stranger) - Hospitality literally means to "embrace the stranger."  Hospitality has been the most powerful posture the church has ever taken on throughout history.  So, I want to close this out by asking you to imagine what it might be like, if you, your family, this church, began to prioritize hospitality to those around you.  Have a great week, and we'll see you Sunday! 


Cell 512-787-2429 | Email mdh1199@gmail.com

Web www.liveordinarywell.com 

Instagram @liveordinarywell | Facebook Matthew Hansen

Upcoming Events

Christmas Jam, December 7, 2024, 6:00 pm 

Christmas Jam will be another joint event between the Driftwood Community Church and the Driftwood Historical Conservation Society.  This is a potluck dinner and Christmas carol sing-along.  Come enjoy great fellowship with friends as we celebrate the Christmas Season. Bring your favorite Christmas dish to the community center.

Christmas Tree Elf Hats

Thank you to everyone who is participating in the Elf Hat Christmas tree! Wrapped gifts are due at the church no later than Sunday, December 8th.

Trustee Status Updates

Two trustee positions end in December.  Susan White will be rotating off, along with Darrell Thomas, who was recently elected to fill the remainder of Jeff Smith’s position which also ends in December.  You can provide your nomination to any trustee, or write it on a piece of paper and drop it in the offering plate.  Elections will be held Sunday, December 8 immediately following the Sunday morning service.  Please be praying for God’s guidance as we fill these important positions.

Trustee Nominations and Elections: December 8, 2024

We are taking nominations for two Trustee positions that will be open in January 2025. Elections will be held this Sunday, December 8. Please be praying for God’s guidance as we fill these important positions.

Social Hour: Sundays at 10:00 am

Our social hour is a great way to get to know each other over breakfast tacos! We meet in the Education Building at 10:00 a.m. before the 11:00 a.m. church service.

Volunteer Opportunity

Thanks to Ben Roberts for serving in the lector position! We continue to need volunteers for this position, preferably for monthly commitments at a minimum. Responsibilities on Sunday mornings include welcoming the congregation, announcements, leading the scripture reading and the Nicene Creed.  Please be in prayer about this need for our church.  If you are interested in this volunteer opportunity, please complete this form or contact a trustee or the pastor. 

Dripping Springs Helping Hands Pantry

December donation requests for the pantry are canned meat (Spam, tuna, chicken), boxed cereals, oatmeal (individual packets) and teas. We accept any non-perishable food items at any time, as well as diapers and wipes.  You can place your donations in the bin in the Education building.  The Pantry is very appreciative of our donations.


Kris D.’s friend

David Y.’s friend

Volunteer needs for our church family

The Hansen family for clarity in finding a Driftwood home

The Shultz' family

Those affected by the hurricanes in Florida

Those suffering with illnesses

Those battling cancer



Families, friends and neighbors!

Beautiful tree work on church grounds


Our Nation

Gatherings & Neighbors

Family Reunions

Events where we can be "church" to others

We are sorry if we have missed any prayer needs. Please let us know by sending us an email. Your updates to the prayer list are appreciated. 

Our trustees are Shelby EckolsCraig GlanvilleDarrell ThomasSusan White and David Younger.   

God's blessings and love to you,

Driftwood Community Church


Weekly Update: December 11, 2024


Weekly Update: November 27, 2024