Weekly Update: October 16, 2024

Word from the Pastor:

I pray this weekly newsletter finds you doing well.  I'm writing this from Iowa during a nice, cool (38 degrees), peaceful morning of brewing.  I have, like probably many of you, a daily routine of prayer, scripture, and extra-scripture reading.  If you don't have this, please begin this practice, it may be the most encouraging, supportive, and foundational practice you can establish.  Anyway, that's beside the point.  This morning, I was reading about the man by the pool of Bethesda out of John 5. 

In John 5:6, Jesus asks a man who has waited by a "healing" pool for 35 years if he wants to be well; all the while others with more ability get healed. You can imagine how many times he thought, "It's my turn!" only to see someone rush past him at the last moment. This man was dealing with way more than the immediate physical illness, but it's all he could see. 

Jesus asks the man at the pool, "Do you want to get well?" A better way to read this is, "Do you want to be whole?". The question goes beyond just physical healing—it's about wanting more than just relief from his ailment. Our struggles, like illness, financial uncertainty, loss of the past, or loss of a loved one, often reveal deeper issues we need to confront like fear, anxiety, control, anger, etc. While the immediate problems like physical ailments, death or financial troubles matter, we shouldn’t overlook the lessons they can teach us. A pastor once wrote an article called "Don't waste your cancer," emphasizing that challenges can help us recognize what's truly holding us back from wholeness. Jesus aims not just to solve our immediate problems but to help us become whole and healed from the fractured lives we often submit to. 


Cell 512-787-2429 | Email mdh1199@gmail.com

Web www.liveordinarywell.com 

Instagram @liveordinarywell | Facebook Matthew Hansen

Upcoming Events

Guest Worship Leader

Sunday, October 20 - Clint Freeman will lead our worship music.

Guest Worship Leader

Sunday, October 27 - a guest will lead our worship music.

Trustee Status Updates

Two trustee positions end in December.  Susan White will be rotating off, along with Darrell Thomas, who was recently elected to fill the remainder of Jeff Smith’s position which also ends in December.  We are taking nominations for these two positions through December 1.  You can provide your nomination to any trustee, or write it on a piece of paper and drop it in the offering plate.  Elections will be held Sunday, December 8 immediately following the Sunday morning service.  Please be praying for God’s guidance as we fill these important positions.

Trustee Nominations and Elections: December 1 and 8, 2024

On December 1, we will be asking our members for nominations for two Trustee positions that will be open in January 2025. Following the nomination process, we will have elections on December 8. Please be praying for God’s guidance as we fill these important positions.

Social Hour: Sundays at 10:00 am

Our social hour is a great way to get to know each other over breakfast tacos! We meet in the Education Building at 10:00 a.m. before the 11:00 a.m. church service.

Volunteer Opportunity

Thanks to Ben Roberts for serving in the lector position! We continue to need volunteers for this position, preferably for monthly commitments at a minimum. Responsibilities on Sunday mornings include welcoming the congregation, announcements, leading the scripture reading and the Nicene Creed.  Please be in prayer about this need for our church.  If you are interested in this volunteer opportunity, please complete this form or contact a trustee or the pastor. 

Dripping Springs Helping Hands Pantry

October donation requests for the pantry are canned meat (Spam, tuna, chicken), boxed cereals & oatmeal (individual packets). We accept any non-perishable food items at any time, as well as diapers and wipes.  You can place your donations in the bin in the Education building.  The Pantry is very appreciative of our donations.

If you missed last Sunday's service, you missed a great message from our pastor.  I took notes, which I find helpful to reflect on through the week.  I record them in my journal and/or bible. ~ Barbara G.

Three things Jesus is saying:

 (1) What and how we see reality is a reflection of our heart.

(2) What we invest our lives in is less of a reflection on wisdom and more of a reflection of our perception.

(3) What we prioritize is a revelation of where our faith is directed.


Those affected by the hurricanes in Florida

Great niece injured in bad accident

Those traveling

Pastor Matthew's back injury

Those suffering with illnesses

We need rain!

Those battling cancer



Frank's daughter's completion of her PHD dissertation

Baby lambs

Special Music

Craig's dad, Bob, in remission

Our Nation

Gatherings & Neighbors

Family Reunions

Events where we can be "church" to others

We are sorry if we have missed any prayer needs. Please let us know by sending us an email. Your updates to the prayer list are appreciated. 

Our trustees are Shelby EckolsCraig GlanvilleDarrell ThomasSusan White and David Younger.   

God's blessings and love to you,

Driftwood Community Church


Weekly Update: October 9, 2024